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ADMP401 MEMS Microphone Breakout Module

ADMP401 MEMS Microphone Breakout Module
ADMP401 MEMS Microphone Breakout Module
Out Of Stock
ADMP401 MEMS Microphone Breakout Module
ADMP401 MEMS Microphone Breakout Module
ADMP401 MEMS Microphone Breakout Module

(inc GST)

  • Stock: Out Of Stock
  • ₹6 FlyRobo Cashback.
  • SKU: FR-01-865
    5 or more ₹602
    15 or more ₹575

ADMP401 MEMS Microphone Breakout Module is a tiny breakout board which features the ADMP401 MEMs microphone. One of the key advantages of this breakout and microphone is the bottom ported input. This means the microphone’s input can fit flush against the enclosure of your project. Plus you will not have to deal with trying to solder the microphone’s wacky footprint.

The amplifier on the breakout has a gain of 67 and more than meets the bandwidth requirements of the mic. The amplifier’s AUD output will float at one-half Vcc when no sound is being picked up. The amplifier produces a peak-to-peak output of about 200mV when the microphone is held at arm's length and is being talked into at normal conversational volume levels. So the AUD output can easily be connected to the ADC of a micro.



  • -3dB roll-off at 100Hz and 15kHz
  • 1.5 to 3.3VDC supply voltage
  • Should comfortably output 40mW
  • SNR of -62dBA

Package Includes:

1 x MEMS Microphone Breakout

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Can i get GST invoice for the order ?
Shubham Bhausaheb Modake
  • Yes, You can claim GST credit if you have a GST number. To do it you have to mention the GST number at the time of checkout. GST option appears in the Billing Address. If you are an existing customer of flyrobo then you can log in to your account ( Account → Address Book → Edit Address) and Then enter your GST number.
    FlyRobo[ 16/11/2022 ]
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When will delivered order?
  • Order will be delivered within 1-3 days in metro city, 3-5 days in other city and 4-7 days in villages or small city. This is the average time of delivery in express shipping. but can change with different locations and different situations.
    FlyRobo[ 16/07/2021 ]
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Tags: ADMP401 , MEMS , Microphone

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