Arduino Advance Kit level 3 | Arduino Expert Robotics Learning Kit
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All-inclusive Arduino Kits by Flyrobo: Flyrobo Mastering Arduino. This kit includes a variety of fascinating parts, including an LCD display, an ultrasonic sensor, a 7-segment display, a thermistor, a servo motor, and more. You can build countless projects with these components. We offer a CD/DVD and. The introduction of the Arduino programming language and software was the main topic of this session. The kits introduce both coding and electronics with circuit schematics through enjoyable, interactive projects, so no prior knowledge is necessary. You may use the kit without any soldering expertise; just plug it in and start playing.
Key points:
- A variety of components are included in the kit to make Endless Projects.
- A great way to learn about analog- digital sensors.
- No soldering skills are required, it’s come with a high-quality breadboard and jumpers wire.
- This kit is perfect for beginners or experts in this field.
- We offer Analog and Digital Sensor to create your own DIY projects.
- Easy to learn about microcontrollers using Arduino board.
- We provide a CD/DVD with a user guide, video tutorial, and software link.
Kit Includes:
- 1X5V Single Channel RELAY Module
- 1XLCD Display Module Screen For Arduino - Green Back light
- 1XArduino Uno R3 SMD Compatible Development Board
- 4X20cm Male To Female Jumper Cable Wire For Arduino - 10pcs
- 1XUSB Cable for Arduino UNO / MEGA 2560 | USB-A to USB-B
- 1XNippo Battery 9V With Connector For Arduino/ Robotics
- 1XUSB Cable for Arduino UNO / MEGA 2560 | USB-A to USB-B
- 1XMB102 Breadboard USB/Micro Power Supply Module Dual USB Input Board
- 1XBreadboard GL-12 840 Tie Points Solderless DIY PROJECT CIRCUIT
- 1X5mm 4 Pin RGB LED Common Anode
- 1XSoil Moisture Meter, Soil Humidity Sensor, Water Sensor, Soil Hygrometer for Ardunio
- 1XHX711 24 Bit Precision Dual-Channel Module for load cell
- 1XMini 650nm 6mm 5mW Laser Dot Diode Module
- 1XTTP223B Capacitive Touch Key Sensor Module
- 1XOLED 0.96 inch 4 pin I2C 128 X 64 DISPLAY MODULE - Blue
- 1XInfrared Line Following and Obstacle Avoidance Sensor For Arduino Smart Car Robot
- 1XDHT11 Temperature And Humidity Sensor Module with LED
- 1XIR Infrared Flame Sensor Module
- 1XLM393 Sound Detection Sensor Module-Black
- 1XKY-037 High Sensitivity Sound Microphone Sensor Detection Module for Arduino AVR PIC
- 1XPS2 Game Joystick Module For Arduino
- 1X3.5-5.5V Passive Buzzer Module For Arduino
- 1XKY-011 5mm Two Color LED Module
- 1XA Knock Sensor Module for Arduino
- 1XVibration Sensor Module Vibration Switch SW-420
- 1XOptical slot speed measuring sensor for arduino
- 1X0.5W 8R 18mm Magnetic Speaker
- 1XRGB 3 Color LED Module For Arduino Red Green Blue
- 1XHall Effect Magnetic Sensor Module DC 5V For Arduino
- 1XThree Colour RGB SMD LED Module 5050 Full Color Pwm For Arduino MCU
- 1X5V KY-040 Rotary Encoder Module For Arduino
- 1X1 Channel SW-520D Tilt Vibration Sensor Module
- 1XKY-025 Reed Switch Module
- 1X1.5V 1.8V 2.5V 3V 3.3V 3.7V 4.2V to 5V DC-DC DC Boost Converter Step Up Module
- 1XDS18B20 Digital Temperature Sensor Module For Arduino
- 1X12 Keys 3x4 Matrix - Membrane Type Keypad -
- 1XMetal Touch Sensor Module
- 1XMicrophone Sound Sensor Module Voice Sensor High Sensitivity Sound Detection Module Whistle Module
- 1X3 Pin NTC Thermistor Temperature Sensor Module
- 1X315MHz RF Transmitter Receiver Module Wireless Link Kit for Arduino
- 1XHigh Quality NIPPO 9V Battery
- 1XBattery 9V Snap Connector To DC Barrel Jack Adapter
- 2X3.5-5.5V Standard Active Buzzer Module For Arduino
- 2XMUR3060PT Diode 30A/600V TO-247
- 2XBC547 NPN Transistor
- 2XBD140 PNP Bipolar Power Transistor 80V 1.5A TO-126 Package
- 2X47uf / 25v Electrolytic Capacitor
- 2X120uF 400V Electrolytic Capacitor
- 5X12x12x5mm Tactile 4 Pin Push Button Switch
- 10XRed LED 5mm (Light Emitting Diod)
- 10XYellow LED 5mm (Light Emitting Diod)
- 10X1pcs White Transparent LED Light Diode 5mm (Light Emitting Diod)
- 10X220 ohm Resistor
- 10X1K ohm Resistor
- 10X10K ohm Resistor
- 4X20cm Male To Male Jumper Cable Wire For Arduino - 10pcs
- 4X20cm Female To Female Jumper Cable Wire For Arduino - 10pcs
- 2XCHQ1838 Infrared Receiving Head with Iron Shell
- 1X5V Active Electromagnetic Buzzer
- 2XTCRT5000L Reflective IR Sensor Photoelectric Switch
- 1XA3144 Hall Effect Sensor Switch
- 1XKY-039 Finger Detection Heartbeat Measuring Sensor Module
- 1XNE555 Frequency Adjustable Pulse Generator Module
- 1XKY-005 Infrared IR Transmitter Sensor Module
- 1XESP8266 Adapter Plate Serial Wireless WIFI Module
- 1X6050 Electret Condenser Mini Microphone with Wire
- 1XCJMCU-123 WS2812 RGB LED Breakout Module
- 1XSurface Thermocouple K-Type Temperature Resistance Probe
- 1XLED Traffic Lights Signal Module /Digital Signal Output Traffic Light Module
- 1XLM386 Audio Amplifier Module
- 1XHR202 Humidity Detection Sensor
- 1XBMP280 Barometric Pressure and Altitude Sensor I2C/SPI Module
- 1XPAM8403 Mini 5V Digital Amplifier Board With Switch Potentiometer
- 1XRaindrop Detection Sensor Module
- 1XXH-M125 XPT8871 6W 3-5V Mono Power Amplifier Board
- 1X433Mhz RF Transmitter With Receiver Kit For Arduino ARM MCU Wireless
- 1XLaser Non-Modulator Tub Laser Receiver Module
- 1XCapacitive Soil Moisture Sensor V2.0
- 1XL9110S DC Stepper Motor Driver Board
- 1XDS1307 Real Time Clock I2C Module AT24C32
- 1XRed 0.56inch 4 Digit 7 Segment LED Display Digital Tube - Common Cathode
- 1X50kg Half-bridge Experiments Body Scale Load Cell Sensor
- 1XBF350 High Precision Resistance Strain Gauge Pressure Sensor
- 1XT90 12V 30A T-type Power Relay - High Current Isolate Relay
- 1XCD74HC4067 CMOS 16-Channel Analog Digital Multiplexer Breakout Module
- 1XMini Plug Buzzer for PC Internal BIOS Computer Board
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