NodeMCU ESP8266 is firmware based open source development board. Nodmcu ESP8266 is used for IOT (Internet of Things) Project like Home Automation, Innovative School and College Projects.
In current time this device is wildly used for school and college project because it is easily programmable via Arduino IDE Software and it is very cheap in price. Using Nodemcu and relay you can make your own Smart home device.
Here is the full tutorial video by IndianLifeHacker. which help you to make Own smart home devices using NodeMCU, relay and some jumper cables.
NodeMcu ESP8266 WIFI Development Board: https://www.flyrobo.in/nodemcu_esp8266_wifi_development_board/
5V Single Channel RELAY MODULE: https://www.flyrobo.in/5v_single_channel_relay_module/
Jumper Cables: https://www.flyrobo.in/40pcs_10cm_female_to_female_jumper_cable_wire_for_arduino/
2 Comment(s)
Sir programming Arduino par hoga
Yes Sir. You can use Arduino IDE to program
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