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HT12E & HT12D RF Decoder ICs - Encoder/Decoder IC Pair

HT12E & HT12D  RF Decoder ICs - Encoder/Decoder IC Pair - ICs - Integrated Circuits & Chips - Core Electronics
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HT12E & HT12D RF Decoder ICs - Encoder/Decoder IC Pair

(inc GST)

  • Stock: Out Of Stock
  • SKU: FRC-05-616

The HT 12E Encoder ICs are series of CMOS LSIs for Remote Control system applications. They are capable of Encoding 12 bit of information which consists of N address bits and 12-N data bits. Each address/data input is externally trinary programmable if bonded out.

The HT 12D ICs are a series of CMOS LSIs for remote control system applications. This ICs are paired with each other. For proper operation, a pair of encoder/decoder with the same number of address and data format should be selected. The Decoder receives the serial address and data from its corresponding decoder, transmitted by a carrier using an RF transmission medium and gives output to the output pins after processing the data.


12-bit Decoder IC to be used with HT12E

Decoded data has 4 Data bits and 8 Address bits (8+4=12-bits)

Commonly used for RF and IR wireless transmission

Operating Voltage 5V

Low stand by the current of 0.1uA at Vcc=5V

Available in 16-pin DIP, 20-pin SOP

HT12D RF Decoder IC:

Pin Number

Pin Name


1 to 8

A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 & A7

These are the 8-bit address bits, which is used to protect your data. We should set the bits in same pattern on Encoder and Decoder IC to pair them.



Connected to the Ground of circuit

10 to 13

AD0, AD1, AD2 & AD3

These four pins are used to obtain the data bits by decoding the data from HT12E IC



The Encoded 12 bit output data obtained from HT12E has to be given here

15 and 16

Oscillator pins 1 & 2

The IC has a built in oscillator. This oscillator can be used by connecting these two pins through a 1M Resistor


Valid Transmission (VT)

This pin will go high when a data is received. It is not mandatory to use it.



This pin powers the IC should use only 5V

Where to use HT12D?

The IC HT12D can be used only with its pair HT12E. These two ICs together form an Encoder and Decoder pair. They are 12-bit Encoders/Decoders, meaning they can transmit 12-bit a data among them. But your encoder IC should not communicate with someone else's decoder IC, so an Encoder and Decoder IC pair will share a common Address which is an 8-bit data. So out of the 12-bits 8-bits will be used to set address and the remaining 4-bit will be used to transmit data.  With 4-bit data, we can create 16 types (2^4 =16) of combinations. These IC’s are commonly used with RF pairs or IR pairs. So if you are working on a project which has to transmit a 4-bit data from one end to other either by wire or wireless then this IC pair will be best suited for you.

How to use an HT12D?

HT12E RF Encoder IC:

Pin Number

Pin Name


1 to 8

A0,A1,A2,A3,A4,A5,A6 & A7

These are the 8-bit address bits, which is used to protect your data. We should set the bits in same pattern on Encoder and Decoder IC to pair them.



Connected to the Ground of circuit

10 to 13

AD0, AD1, AD2 & AD3

These four pins are used to send data, the data encoded here will be decoded on HT12D IC sharing the same address bits


Transmission Enable(TE)

This pin has to be connected to Ground (0V) to enable the Transmission.

15 and 16

Oscillator pins 1 & 2

The IC has a built in oscillator. This oscillator can be used by connecting these two pins through a 1M Resistor



The Encoded 12 bit output data can be obtained from this pin



This pin powers the IC, typically +5V is used. Can range from 2.4V to 12V


  • 12-bit Encoder IC to be used with HT12D
  • Encoded data has 4 Data bits and 8 Address bits (8+4=12-bits)
  • Commonly used for RF and IR wireless transmission
  • Wide supply voltage range from 2.4V to 12V, typically 5V is used
  • Low stand by the current of 0.1uA at Vcc=5V
  • Available in 16-pin DIP, 20-pin SOP

Package Content:

1 x HT12E IC

1 x HT12D IC

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Can i get GST invoice for the order ?
Shubham Bhausaheb Modake
  • Yes, You can claim GST credit if you have a GST number. To do it you have to mention the GST number at the time of checkout. GST option appears in the Billing Address. If you are an existing customer of flyrobo then you can log in to your account ( Account → Address Book → Edit Address) and Then enter your GST number.
    FlyRobo[ 16/11/2022 ]
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  • Order will be delivered within 1-3 days in metro city, 3-5 days in other city and 4-7 days in villages or small city. This is the average time of delivery in express shipping. but can change with different locations and different situations.
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